Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Precious baby

I was going through some old pictures and found these from when my friend, Angie, had her baby. I forgot how absolutely priceless these are. I remember taking these photos and how I was overtaken by how much our Heavenly Father must love us to send His wonderful spirits to us to raise. Mya was just a few days old, she even had her umbilical clamp still on.

A tiny, little hand....
Itty, bitty feet....

With features of an angel.....

A precious one we couldn't wait to meet!

The look in Angie's eyes is the love only a mother can have for her newborn child. This is one of my favorite pictures.

After playing photographer with Mya, I got to take some shots of Wyatt!!! This picture says it all!!! He keeps us all going!!! Man, I love this kid!!!

Pete and Angie!!!

This is the Anderson family. They are some of my favorite neighbors I have ever had. I was so excited when Angie called me and wanted me to do their family pictures.

Pete and Angie make the CUTEST babies.... wouldn't you agree?

This is Wyatt, he is such a cool little dude. YES, he is as full of it as this picture shows!!!
And look at this precious little thing. Mya's eyes are just to DIE for!!!

I love how daddy was showing Wyatt how to be a tough guy!!!

Thanks, Pete and Angie for all the fun!!!